Blueberry Matcha Smoothie Bowl
Sometimes you hit that afternoon slump, and you need a lil pick me up! This smoothie bowl will do the trick. It's packed with flavor, antioxidants, crunch, and a smidge of caffeine to help you get through the last part of the day.
I recently discovered matcha, and have been LOVING the switch up from coffee. Matcha has a steady buzz without the crash, and it doesn't give me any intestinal stress either {yay}! The trick is to find a matcha powder you like; the last one I bought was too bitter to drink as a latte, so I thought I would hide the taste {but reap the caffeine benefits} by tossing it in a smoothie, worked like a charm! My favorite matcha powder is from Trader Joe's and I add two ish spoonfuls to almond milk, shake it like crazy, and then sip.
This smoothie bowl is one to try too:
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 banana
1/2 cup spinach
1/2 cup mango
1 tsp matcha
1 cup Greek yogurt
1/2 cup almond milk
Top with the other 1/2 banana + chia seeds + granola