Moving Forward
At 4:00AM on October 9th, I woke up in Pleasant Hill to multiple notifications. Unsure of what was going on, I tried searching news sources for my surrounding area. Nothing. So, I search my hometown of Santa Rosa. Headlines reading "Firestorm" sent my adrenaline into overdrive. I called my mom to see what was going on. She answered, frantically, and asked what I wanted from the house because they had to evacuate. I couldn't think; I suppose this is why they say you should have evacuation plans, but like most, we never thought this would be happening to us. The next four hours flew by. Cell service was going in and out so my contact with my family was minimal. I had the TV on, Facebook, and I was streaming a Santa Rosa radio station to try and get real time information. Since then, countless family and friends have lost their homes and all of their possessions. Landmarks, streets, parks, many things that makes up our Sonoma County lifestyle, gone in a matter of minutes. The devastation is almost unreal, how could this have happened in our town?
For the last 9 days, we have been glued to our phones, searching for the latest fire data and praying our home would remain standing. We are some of the lucky ones. Today, we received word we can return home. I don't think anything can prepare us for the destruction that we will see, or for the emotional nature of seeing our town torched. The loss of security is incomprehensible. However, I know we will get through this. The amount of support and love that has risen from the ashes of our town is bringing people together, and that is beautiful.
Moving forward is at tricky thing. How can we relax into our couches, take a hot shower, cook a delicious meal, or celebrate an occasion knowing so many others don't even have a pair of shoes to call their own? When is it appropriate to go to the gym, or to our standing nail appointment? These thoughts plague me as I try and wrap my head around this tragic event. What I realized is there is no "right time". It is appropriate to proceed with life, as long as we do so with a new mentality. If going through this didn't change our perspective in some way, that would be inappropriate. If we carried on as though nothing happened and didn't find gratitude in what we have, that too would be inappropriate. Moving forward, I plan to be more present and focus on what is truly important, our loved ones and creating a happy life. Rebuilding our city will take time, but we are all in this together. Until then, let's laugh, smile, and find beauty in the world.