Scapular Strengthening Exercises
Maintaining scapular mobility and strength is an important part of our overall back health. Many of us have professions that force our body into a contracted position (i.e. sitting at a desk causes our chest muscles to contract; this results in the disengagement of our scapular stabilizing muscles which may cause neck or back pain). In fact, neck pain from continuous computer use is linked to overuse of the middle trapezius compared to lower trapezius muscles (Wegner, O’Leary, & Johnston, 2010). These are the muscles on top of our shoulders and down to our mid back, and often the ones that are tense and sore after a day in front of a screen. Many of us hold our stress in these muscles as well, which can further exacerbate their overuse.
One way to strengthen the lower trapezius and take some strain off the middle trap is through scapular strengthening exercises. “IYT”, demonstrated in the pictures below, are excellent exercises for working on scapular and lower trap strength. These exercises should be done with low weight to maintain control and proper form. It is also important to move within your own range of motion to maximize muscle activity and mobility.
Wegner, S., Jull, G., O’Leary, S., & Johnston, V. (2010). The effect of a scapular postural correction strategy on trapezius activity in patients with neck pain. Manual Therapy,15(6), 562-566. doi:10.1016/j.math.2010.06.006