What's for lunch?
Lunch. Why is it so hard to figure out what to eat?! Breakfast, no prob. Dinner, easy peasy. For some reason, the time from 11:00-1:00 is the hardest to fill, maybe it’s the hypoglycemia, maybe it’s time for cup of coffee number two, who knows?! This post is to help you get a couple ideas for ways to make that midday meal a lil easier!
I’m a planner by nature, so, for me, having items on hand that I can repurpose makes meals easier. I roast veggies each week, and I tend to season them with versatile flavors (e.g. garlic powder, salt+pepper, and turmeric) so it’s easy to switch them up. If you have a tub of veggies in your fridge, add some black beans and reheat, then flavor with cumin and hot sauce. Toss those in a tortilla to make a taco {or two} or cook up some rice or quinoa to make a burrito bowl. If you want a lower-carb option, toss ‘em in some lettuce cups!
Another easy meal is salad. My family are meat eaters, so we usually have a protein on hand. If you’re a meat eater, you can throw some lettuce, tomatoes, red onion, blue cheese {use caution on serving size}, and some avo with whatever protein you have. It’s easy to keep this a veggie meal, just add in some kidney beans, garbanzo beans, or lentils to get some protein. Protein will give those veggies a little more longevity to get you through the day. Also use caution with serving size on the dressing, not all dressings are full of healthy fats.
If salad isn’t enough, make a half a grilled cheese to go with it! Make it a grown up version by adding some pesto, caramelized onions, and sprouts!
Tofu is a favorite of mine. It has taken me a couple tries to get good at cooking it, but once you do, it’s worth it! Check out the Tofu Bowl recipe for more details. It’s full of veggies and rice. Everything can be cooked in advance and reheated for lunches throughout the week!
Leftovers are another easy option. The trick here is to make your portion smaller than you probably ate at dinner, and add in a side! For example, if you had pasta, take a small portion, then make a side salad or roast some veggies.
What to choose?
These are all ideas to maybe help you get out of your rut, but really, it’s all about what is in your fridge, your preferences, and your time. When you’re shopping, think veggies, protein, grain. Stick to the outside of the store - where the produce, healthy grains, and meats are likely to be. Avoid processed/prepackaged foods, if these are your go to, ask yourself if you can make a version of it with fresh ingredients. Each meal should have vegetables + a source of protein {meat, fish, legume, tofu} + a source of grains. We are all different; therefore our body’s requirement for each food group will vary. It’s important to listen to what are bodies are telling us and give it the proportions and food groups it needs!